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Prop nameDescriptionTypeValuesDefault
lazyShould this step be rendered only when It's active ? False means render all the time. <wizard-manager> can override this.boolean-
activeis this the current active step or not.
when set, wizard manager will render this set.
if there's multiple active steps, only the last one with active is rendered.
disabled steps are ignored.
disabledShould this step be skipped in counting and
when the Next or Prev method is called ?
validateA function which will be called with wizard data as argument whenever the Next button is called.
This function must return a promise that resolves to a boolean.
if resolved value is true, step data is valid and user can move to next step.
((wizardData: unknown) => boolean)-
transitionData object for passing to render function of 'transition' component.
anything in this object will be passed to the render function directly.
TransitionProps | ((backwarding: boolean, isActive: boolean) => TransitionProps)-


Event namePropertiesDescription
finishedobject object - contains the wizard dataEmitted when the current step has finished (on calling next).
Emits after activate-step if it was not cancelled.
Eemits before the <wizard-manager> finished event on the last step (there's no activate-step when on last step, because there's no next step).
activeboolean boolean - undefinedEmitted when the step is activated or deactivated. active means it's the current step.


defaultThe default slot of wizard-step. This slot provides scoped data and methods you can use in your boolean - is true if this step component should be rendered
currentStep number - Current step number. Starts from 1 and Excludes disabled steps count so you can use it as is in UI (numbers don't jump).
currentStepIndex number - Current step index. starts from zero.
stepsCount number - Total steps count. Excludes disabled steps count so you can use it as is in UI.
realStepsCount number - Total steps count. Including disabled steps.
next (bypassValidation: boolean) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt; - Proceed to next step
prev () =&gt; void - Proceed to previous step
setStep (index: number) =&gt; void - Directly go to a step by index.
hasNext boolean -
hasPrev boolean -
validating boolean - if a validation check is in progress
data object - the wizard data that you can use as your data.
backwarding boolean - you can think of it as which direction the wizard is moving.

If true, It's a previous step,

If false, It's a next step.

You have to note though that it can be neither forwarding or backwarding (at the time of accessing this), but for simplicity it's one boolean.